Sunday, February 19, 2017

Announcing the Appointment of National Chancellor of Ghana 2017-2020


The Executive Office of the  IAEWP President is pleased to announce the appointment of  the new National Chancellor of Ghana for the period of  2017-2020

Korsi Senyo has over seven years experience working directly at local and international levels focusing on peace-building, youth development, business development, web development, training, microfinance, event management, mass media and corporate communications. 

As a social entrepreneur, he is the Founder and Executive Director of African Centre for Peace Building-established in 2009. He coordinates all activities and brings together stakeholders towards the achievement of the objectives of the organization. He designs programmes and projects to promote peace, justice, youth and women development and poverty reduction. He frequently travels to the rural and conflict affected communities in Ghana and other African countries to supervise projects of the organizations and work with other organizations. Korsi Senyo has developed and facilitated several training and conference modules for youth in peace and democracy, youth and women in leadership, youth in entrepreneurship and peace education for teachers. 

In February 2014, he was invited by H.E. Dennis Sasso Nduaso, the President of the Republic of Congo to join five Head of States, Noble Peace Prize winners, Defense Ministers, Senior Government Officials and other world leaders to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Signing of Brazzaville Peace Accord. At this world peace gathering, Korsi Senyo joined in discussions in shaping world peace and development. 

In May 2014, Korsi Senyo was appointed CC Liaison Officer of United Religions Initiative for West Africa where is plays a role of communicating and disseminating information of URI Global Office to URI West Africa member organizations and facilitating training workshops for member organizations in West Africa. In October 2013, Korsi Senyo was selected by Google Ghana for its Google for Entrepreneurs Programme where he received intensive training in business development. He is also a trained Champion for Change Leadership in Agriculture by AfricaLead – a USAID, Feed The Future programme.

Korsi Senyo is currently a Mentor on the Mandela Washington Fellowship of the Youth African Leaders Initiative – a President Obama’s initiative for Africa young leaders. He is the Founder and CEO of Senyo Global Group (SG Events, SG Technology, SG Planners, Awake Africa Newspaper and SEMPEG Consult) Korsi Senyo wants to contribute effectively towards national development through social work, leadership and entrepreneurship.

For intending international organization wishing to contact the National Chancellor of Ghana may do so at his Email: and or  . He speaks English, Ewe, Krobo, Ga and Twi

We thank Dr. Ayo Ayoola Amale, the IAEWP Vice President for West Africa for identification and recommendation of this high caliber candidate for the National Chancellor of Ghana position.

We thank you for the opportunity to place this information on record in good faith and without prejudice on behalf of the Office of the IAEWP President.

Steve Varatharajan
Deputy Secretary General IAEWP
NGO-ECOSOC, United Nations