Founder President

February 3, 1933  -  July 10, 2022

Dr. Charles Mercieca.

Dr. Charles Mercieca  was the founding president of the International Association of Educators for World Peace ( NGO- United Nations) and has been the driving force of IAEWP since 1967 till his retirement in the month of April 30  2022.

Dr. Charles Mercieca was the Professor Emeritus of Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, Alabama, USA

He lived in Huntsville, Alabama, USA and frequently travels the globe on world peace missions delivering life-inspiring messages of peace and diplomacy.

B.A.  (English & Classics), Loyola College, Naxxar, Malta, 1955
B.A. (Philosophy & Speech) Aloisianum College, Gallarate, Italy, 1958
B.S. (Theology & Pedagogy), St. Louis University, Missouri, USA, 1965
M.S. (School Administration & Experimental Psychology), Kansas State University, USA, 1964
Ph.D. (Philosophy & Historical Foundations), University of Kansas, USA, 1966


Alabama A&M University, 1967 / 2001
Huntsville, Alabama, USA

Director, Institute for International Relations and Intercultural Studies, 1971/98
Consultant, Public Schools Supervisors and Counselors, 1969/74
Professor, History and Philosophy. Directed student teaching, seminars, workshops. Instructor, courses in communication, administrative skills.
Lecturer on peace education studies and programs worldwide.

Kyung Hee University, Fall 2000
Seoul, South Korea

Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Peace Studies, Researcher and lecturer in historical evolution of peace ideas.
Consultant & Contributor, UN News Newspaper and The Korea Times,
Participant, UN related activities in Seoul.

Tver State University, Spring 1993
Tver, Russia

Visiting Professor, Directed a peace education pilot schools project for kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools in Tver, extended later in major Russian cities including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, and Novosibirsk. Lectured in philosophy, religion, and political science

National Autonomous University of Santa Ana, Spring 1990
Santa Ana, El Salvador

Visiting Professor, Lectured in philosophy and political science to students and professors. Researcher in Central American communication skills, Conducted a peace education pilot schools project in selected schools of Santa Ana.
Consultant, Administrative skills, teaching methods at all levels of education.

Northeastern University, Summer 1985
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Visiting Scholar, Researcher in International Cooperative Education. Lectured on peace education projects.
Consultant, Peace Education Studies and Programs at the graduate and undergraduate level.

Harvard University, Spring 1985
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Associate in Education, Researcher in administrative skills, effectiveness and relevance in teaching methods, race and racial prejudice, crime prevention strategies, communication as a key to world peace.
Consultant, Doctoral thesis writing, peace education studies and projects.

International Association of Educators for World Peace, 1969/-
NGO, United Nations (ECOSOC), UNICEF, & UNESCO
Huntsville, Alabama USA

Founder, By 2005 membership exceeded 60,000 in over 90 nations.
Director, Secretary-General, 1970-78; Executive Vice President, 1978/98;
President, 1998/-, Secured tax exemption from IRS, 1970. Affiliation to United Nations' Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1973. Organized 22 international peace conferences. Affiliation to United Nations International Children's Educational Fund (UNICEF), 1990.

Consultant, United Nations (ECOSOC) and UNESCO on disarmament, environment,
human rights, drug abuse, peace education studies and programs since 1973.


Enlisted in several WHO'S WHO including Who's Who in Community Service,

Who's Who of Intellectuals, and Who's Who in the United Nations.

Membership in several organizations including the Russian Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, National Education Association, World Council for Curriculum and Instruction, and the Philosophy of Education Society.

Languages Studied: English, Maltese, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Latin, Greek, Korean


Published seven books including Crucial Issues Facing the World (2004), Marian Spirituality: Key to Eternal Happiness (2004), Way of Love and Repentance in the Church of the Third Millennium (published in Russian, 1997), Marian Apparitions: Meaning and Purpose (published in English and Russian, 1997), World Peace and Spirituality of the 3rd Millennium (published in both English and Russian, (1996), Mismanagement in Higher Education: A Case Study (1986),

Published over 900 articles world-wide including Education for Peace: What It Entails; Teaching Methods: On Making Classroom Instruction More Effective and Relevant; Perspective of Putin’s Russia: Status Quo versus Progress; Administrative Skills and the Development of the Human potential; How Capitalism Plots to Kill the Russian Soul, and Space Age Philosophy and the Academic Revolution of the Twenty First Century, Culture of Peace, China's Political Mind in Perspective, Realization of Pax United Nations, Global Governance in the 21st Century; Weapons Industry: Source of Terrorism; Swiss Business School; Charlatans of America; What Should be Taught in the 21st Century; Perspective of Peace Idea in History; How to Motivate Your Team to Optimum Performance.


United States: Papers Presented and Workshops Participation, 1961 – Present

1. Alabama A&M University, Huntsville
2. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
3. University of Alabama, Birmingham
4. University of Alabama, Huntsville
5. Jacksonville State University
6. Livingston University
7. Troy State University

9. California State University, Fresno
10. Loyola Marymount University
11. University of California, Los Angeles
12. University of California, Santa Barbara
13. University of San Francisco

14. University of Denver
15. Regis University

16. University of Florida, Gainesville
17. University of Tampa
18. University of Miami

19. Atlanta University
20. University of Georgia, Athens

21. University of Hawaii, Honolulu

22. Chicago State University
23. Illinois Institute of Technology
24. Loyola University of Chicago
25. Roosevelt University
26. Northwestern University

27. Indiana University, south Bend

28. Kansas State University, Manhattan
29. University of Kansas, Lawrence
30. Baker University
31. Wichita State University

32. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green

33. Loyola University, New Orleans
34. Tulane University
35. Xavier University of Louisiana

36. Boston University
37. Harvard University, Cambridge

38. Mary Holmes College, West Point

39. St. Louis University

40. University of Montana, Missoula
41. Northern Montana College, Havre

New Mexico:
42. University of New Mexico

New York:
43. Columbia University
44. New York University
45. Fordham University

North Carolina:
46. Elizabeth City State University

47. Xavier University, Cincinnati

48. University of Portland

49. Indiana University of Pennsylvania
50. University of Pittsburgh

51. Memphis State University
52. Vanderbilt University
53. University of Tennessee, Knoxville

54. University of Houston

55. University of Seattle
56. Conzaga University, Spokane

Washington, DC:
57. Georgetown University
58. Howard University

Note: The papers presented the workshops participated in the above institutions included such topics as: history and philosophy of education, general and educational psychology, teaching methods, international education and international studies, guidance and counseling, elementary and secondary schools administrative skills, classroom discipline and supervision.

Overseas Lectures, Discussions, and Conferences Participation,
1967 - Present

1. University of Buenos Aires – Universidad de Buenos Aires
2. Teachers’ Institute of Higher Education – Instituto Superior del Profesorado

3. Australian National University, Canberra
4. Macquarie University, New South Wales
5. University of Melbourne
6. Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
7. University of New South Wales

8. University of Vienna – Universitat Wien

9. Free University of Brussles – Universite’ Libre de Bruxelles

10. Catholic Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro  --
Pontificia Universidade do Rio de Janeiro

11. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
12. University of Toronto
13. The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

14. University of Chile – Universidad de Chile
15. Catholic University of Chile – Universidad Catolica de Chile

16. Zhongshan University, Guangzhou
17. Hangchou University, Hangchou

18. National University of Colombia – Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Congo (Dem. Rep. ):
19. National University of Zaire – Universite’ Nationale du Zaire, Kinshasa

20. National Movement of Peace - Movimiento Nacional por la Paz, Havana

21. Charles University – Universita Karlova, Prague

22. University of Copenhagen – Kobenhavs Universitet
23. Hesbjerg Peace Research College, Fyn

Dominican Republic:
24. University of Santo Domingo
25. University of Moca

26. Catholic Pontifical University of Ecuador  –-
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Ecuador
27. Central University of Ecuador – Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito

El Salvador:
28. National Autonomous University of Santa Ana --
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Santa Ana

29. University of Addis Ababa

30. University of Helsinki  --  Helsingin Yliopisto

31. University of Paris-Sorbonne – Universite’ de Paris-Sorbonne
32. National Ministry of Education – Ministere de l’Education Nationale

33. Free University of Berlin – Freie Universitat Berlin
34. University of Hamburg – Universitat Hamburg
35. Eberhard-Charles University – Eberhard-Karls Universitat

36. University of Ghana, Accra

Hong Kong:
37. University of Hong Kong
38. The Chinese University of Hong Kong

39. Charles Marx University – Marx Karoly Egytem

40. Banaras Hindu University
41. Delhi University

42. Teheran University – Daneshgahe’ Tehran

43. University of Dublin

44. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem – Ha-Universita Ha-ivrit Bo-Yerushalayin

45. University of Padova – Universita’ degli Studi di Padova
46. University of Rome – Universita’ degli Studi di ‘Roma

47. Tokyo University of Education – Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku
48. Sophia University – Sophia Daigaku, Tokyo

49. University of Nairobi

Korea (South):
50. Kyung Hee University, Seoul

51. University of Liberia, Monrovia

52. University of Malaya – Universiti Malaya

53. University of Malta

54. National Autonomous University of Mexico –
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad Universitaria
55. University of the Americas - Universidad de las Americas

56. University of Amsterdam – Universiteit van Amsterdam

New Zealand:
57. University of Auckland

58. Dorji Lama School, Kathmandu

59. University of Lagos

60. University of Oslo – Universitetet i Oslo

61. National Major University of St. Mark –  Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

62. University of the Philippines, Quezon City
63. Ateneo de Manila University
64. Angeles University, Angeles city

65. University of Warsaw – Universytet Warszawski
66. University of Lisbon – Universidade de Lisboa

67. University of Bucharest – Universitatea din Bucurest
68. Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, Bucharest – Institutul de Stiinte Pedagogice

69. Moscow State University – Movskovskj Gosundarstvennyj Universitet
70. St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical Arts
71. Tver State University, Tver
72. Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow
73. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow
74. Russian Chamber of Commerce, Moscow

75. University of Dakar – Universite’ de Dakar

76. University of Singapore

South Africa:
77. University of Witwatersrand

78. Autonomous University of Madrid – Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
79. Albert Schweitzer International University, Madrid

Sri Lanka:
80. University of Sri Lanka, Colombo

81. University of Lund – Lunds Universitet

82. University of Geneva
83. Swiss Business School, Kloten

84. Fu-jen Catholic University
85. National Chengchi University
86. National Taiwan University

87. University of Dar Es Salaam

88. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
89. Trabazon University, Trbazon

United Kingdom:
90. University of London
91. University of Cambridge
92. University of Oxford
93. University of Glasgow
94. University of Birmingham

95. University of the Republic – Universidad de la Republica

96. Central University of Venezuela – Universidad Central de Venezuela

97. University of Belgrade – Univerzitet u Beogradu

Note: In the above institutions, lectures and discussions were held on topics of social and educational concern which included: education for peace, techniques of curriculum development, supervision and improvement of instruction, disarmament and development, race and racial prejudice, crime prevention strategies, space age philosophy and educational technology.

Dr Charles Mercieca had received numerous international awards including the 2008 PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA PEACE AWARD at the 18th IAEWP World Peace Congress in Malaysia 2008. 

In 2011, he was nominated for NOBEL PEACE PRIZE

A Special laudation for  IAEWP President Emeritus 

Dr. Charles Mercieca


Dr. Charles Mercieca had helmed  IAEWP for the last half century as it founding president since 1967 at his hometown in Huntsville, Alabama, the USA. His age matured to  eight nine ( 89 ) on  February 2022.

Mercieca, Charles was born on February 3, 1933 in Hamrun, Malta. Came to the United States  in 1961. He is the son of Carmelo and Julia (Brincat) Mercieca.  

His journey in education started at Loyola College, Malta, 1951-1955, Bachelor of Arts English, Istituto Filosófico, Milan, 1955-1958, Bachelor of Arts Philosophy. Kansas State University, 1962-1964, Master of Science School Admin. Street Louis University, Missouri, 1961-1965, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Surgery Social Work; finally withUniversity of Kansas, 1965-1966,  gaining his Doctor of Philosophy in Education.

He had an impressive career journey on a landscape of Professor of history, philosophy and political science, Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Normal, since 1967; supervisor, Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical U., 1969-1975; assistant to president, Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical U., 1987-1991; Director Institute for International Relations., Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical U., since 1988; executive vice president, International Association of Educators for World Peace, Huntsville, Alabama. Consultant United Nations, New York City, since 1973, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris, since 1973, Drug Rehabilitation progressive, Montgomery, Alabama, since 1988. Association in Education professor Harvard University, 1984-1985. He is the Professor Emeritus at Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University.

Dr Charles Mercieca has had received numerous  awards in the USA and at the international level viz Recipient Kentucky Colonel, 1983; Grand Cross of Honor & Merit, Federal Republic Germany, 1990; Albert Schweitzer Peace award, 1992. as well as the Prime Minister of Malaysia Award for Peace.

He was married Sherry Jean Watson, May 15, 1950 and has two children Juliette Mercieca and Alexander Mercieca.

The Living Legend Dr. Charles Mercieca, American History, philosophy and political science educator retired from IAEWP on April 30, 2022
