Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Appointment of IAEWP Vice President for West Africa & National Chancellor of Nigeria


We are extremely pleased to announce the appointment of a truly remarkable lady as the National Chancellor of Nigeria and the  IAEWP Vice President for West Africa. In a very short space of time she had identified  a splendid team of high caliber National Chancellors  for West and Central African states.  

Dr. Ayo reflects the true  rare quality of a dynamic leader, envisioned by the founding fathers of IAEWP, fifty ( 50 ) years ago. Her commitment to IAEWP is taking the continental Africa like the much awaited spring-blooming for the IAEWP Peace agenda.

Ayo Ayoola-Amale is a Solicitor, Educator, ADR Practitioner, Poet and Peace Activist.  Ayo Ayoola-Amale is the Lead Mediator/Arbitrator/ Solicitor, First Conflict Resolution Services Inc.   She is a law lecturer, Faculty of Law, Wisconsin International University, ADR Practitioner, Ombudsman for Mediators Beyond Borders International, Continental Advisor (Africa) World Mediation Organization and a Poet. She was the Head of Law, Kings University.

Dr. Ayo is the Founder/President, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation. Ayo believes life is a gift that should be shared with others. She has touched many lives as an Educator, advocate for positive social change and Peace Activist. She has put smiles o­n the downtrodden, the less privileged in the society. Through her Foundation, She has humanitarian projects known as The Sun Educational Project for Schools, Grow into Peace Project- a peace education and active non-violence project in schools, The Light Project for charity and counseling and The Splendors Performance Poetry Team from the Basic level to Tertiary level. These projects have greatly impacted o­n the lives of many children and youths in the society.

A Certified Mediator with an excellent record of wisdom, peace-making, trustworthiness, and neutrality, good listening and communication skills.Ayo is a dedicated advocate for Mediation, Peace Education and Human Rights who look for innovative ways to promote peace through poetry and the arts.        

She joined the peace movement at a very young age and gradually became a WILPF. She is the Founder / President, Women International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Ghana section; the Co-founder and Director of West Africa Poetry Prize; the President Global Harmony Association, Africa; the Vice-President, Global Harmony Association and the Vice-President Movimiento Poetas del Mundo (Poets of the World). The Ex-CEO of Pearl- Allied Group of Companies in Nigeria. 

Ayo is the Honourable Global Mediator (2014), World Mediation Organization, Berlin and the Muse of Poetic Harmony for Africa; the Global Harmony Association Ambassador for Harmony; the Ambassador for Peace Universal Peace Federation Int’l, and Ambassador for Love, the Love foundation U.K.

She served o­n the Central Advisory Committee of the Existential Harmony & Interdisciplinary Research Project and World Conference 2015 and an Executive member of the poetry school project of the World Poetry Movement.

Ayo is the former National Secretary, Coalition of NGOs Associated with UN-DPI Ghana, former Legal Adviser and Ghana Federation of the Disabled. A voluntary service she renders for humanity and was the Legal Advisor of Ghana Association of Writers.

She is a member of the International Bar Association, Ghana Association of Certified Mediators & Arbitrators, Lagos Court of Arbitration and UN caucus on human rights. She seats on the board of some corporations and NGOs as Director/Legal Advisor. 
She is very passionate about building people and impacting lives. Ayo is constantly focused on mediation and peace-building and believes that Peace is a Human Right and culture that we build by educating young people. 

Ayo has several volumes of poems for Adults and children, a play and two books. She is the coauthor of the GHA unprecedented book “Global Peace Science”, which the first time paved for humanity in the 21st century the scientific path to global peace from deep social harmony of SPHERONS – universal harmonious classes: http://peacefromharmony.org

She is the CEO of Heritage & O­n the Pathway Series- Every Child’s fables, Poems, Nursery Rhymes and Plays and has performed, recited her poems at local, national, and international platforms, events/ functions, and festivals. Ayo has attended and presented several papers in various National and International Conferences, Workshops and Seminars on ADR, LAW, PEACE, GENDER etc. She is married with a daughter.


Her contact details are : 

E-mail: aayoamale@gmail.com &  iaewp.ng@gmail.com    SKYPE: ayor.ayoola 

Thank you for the opportunity to place this information on record on behalf of the Executive Office of the  IAEWP President  in good faith and without prejudice.

Steve Varatharajan
Deputy Secretary General IAEWP ( NGO ECOSOC United Nations )