The Office of the President is happy to announce that Mr. Donizete Xavier da Silva of Brazil has been appointed as the new Secretary General of IAEWP with immediate effect.
He had been the Secretary General of IAEWP Brazil since 2004 and contributed much for the development of IAEWP Brazil for the last 16 years in the community, academia, trade and industry.
He was the National Chancellor of IAEWP Brazil for the tenure of 2018-2020.
Donizete Xavier da Silva is a Business Consultant in the sector of financial business, renewable energy, treatment of urban and hospital solid waste management.
He is an active contributor in social policies, professional training projects, income generation and micro credit for the third sector in Brazil.
He conducts regular campaigns in the area of health, disease prevention and first aid. His specialization is in Accounting, Fire Prevention & Fighting, Property and Risk Security Management
* Transformation works in close collaboration with the new Chancellor of IAEWP Brasil on organizational development and program planning including PR Communications initiatives.
* Transformation for Federal Public Utility to reflect SDG-UN guidelines.
* Domain renewal
* Development of IAEWP Brasil corporate website.
* Agreements with other NGOs and Associations, for joint actions or institutional support.
* Enrollment in government social projects to reflect SDG-UN guidelines and IAEWP Core Tenets.
* Partnership with industry and trade associations for professional training, job vacancies bank and digital inclusion.
* Food campaigns for homeless people in partnership with bars and restaurants to reflect SDG-UN guidelines and IAEWP Core Tenets
* Meetings with consulates and embassies for discussions of observing SDG-UN guidelines and IAEWP Core Tenets.
* Approaching United Nations offices and affiliates to collaborate on SDG-UN guidelines and IAEWP Core Tenets.
* Virtual meetings and meetings with NGOs from South American countries, to exchange experiences.
* Creation of the IAEWP Corporate seal for certifications and validations.
* Creation of commendations and certificates for honorary and Volunteer Service Recognition Awards for Service and Civic Participation
* Virtual seminars on peace, education and health, at this time of the world pandemic
We look forward to the continued rejuvenation of IAEWP in the face of the relentless COVID pandemic and appreciate the commitment of Mr Donizete Xavier da Silva as the new Secretary General of IAEWP to strengthening our world by making a difference through volunteer service, reflecting and encapsulating the SDG of the UNITED NATIONS.
The Office of the Administrator & PR Communications Director as well as the Executive Office of the President would work hand-in-glove with the Secretary General to move the IAEWP and SDG-UN to the next level in the coming years, as we aggressively battle the pandemic to make the difference in the lives of common people in our world community.