Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Announcement of Appointments for Continental Africa and South America

The office of the President of IAEWP ( NGO UN ) is pleased to announce the appointment of eminent peace advocates to the following senior positions within the organization, as part of its rejuvenation and re-engineering phase:-

Senior Vice President for Continental Africa

Dr.Ayo Ayoola-Amale Mciarb, 
Regional Chairperson for Africa-IAEWP Diplomatic Commission, 
First Conflict Resolution Services Inc. & Center for Peace Education Hse No. 2 Ayoola Amale Crescent, Ikd, Lagos, Nigeria 

Email:aayoamale@gmail.com  / ayo.fcrs@gmail.com 
Mobile: +233249208848 / +233202731770

Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale is a well respected lawyer in Nigeria & Africa and assumes the herculean task of managing IAEWP Agenda as well its performance and growth with her team of very high caliber National Chancellors in Continental Africa.  She is the Light and Soul of IAEWP in Continental Africa  for development of IAEWP dynamics and cybernetics in 54 nations of beautiful Africa.

Currently, there are between 47 and 55 countries on the continent of AfricaThe most accurate count of countries for the continent of Africa is 54. This includes all internationally recognized territories and states on the continent.

The variation is a result of disputed territories and inconsistencies around the inclusion of island nations off the coast of Africa. The African Union recognizes 54 countries while the United Nations recognizes 54 as well. They, unfortunately, do not recognize the same 54 nations.  Both the United Nations and the African Union have slight variations in their inclusions of countries. For example, Morocco is part of the United Nations but not a member of the African Union. The recently created region of Western Sahara is recognized by the African Union but not by the United Nations.

 Vice President  for South America 

Mr.Donizete  Xavier Da SILVA,  
National Chancellor of Brazil, 
Avenida Paulista, 1.471 - set 708 - CEP. 01-311-200 Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil.
Phone/watzap 5511 96901-8176.   

www.iaewpbrasil.org.br     ( under development ) 
Email :iaewp.br@gmail.com

Mr Donizete Xavier Da Silva had served the IAEWP Brazil for over 10 years as a Secretary General before he was promoted to the position of National Chancellor of Brazil. He has worked very dedicatedly in building peace through education involving corporate social responsibility programs in Brazil.

In the position of V.P. , he would now take charge of IAEWP re-engineering phase to make Peace Education relevant to evolution of human consciousness in  the 21st century in South America.

The continent of South America is divided up into 12 countries and 3 dependent territories. South America makes up the southern half of the Americas supercontinent and the fourth largest continent of the seven continents. The continent is located mostly in the southern hemisphere and entirely in the western hemisphere. South America is also commonly referred to as Latin America and/or the Southern Cone.
We thank you for the opportunity to place this information on record.
Office of the Deputy Secretary General, IAEWP ( NGO - ECOSOC United Nations )