Thursday, February 2, 2017

Introducing Dr. sc. Nenad Javornik, Secretary General of IAEWP since 2008

We are deeply honoured to introduce the long serving Secretary General of IAEWP since 2008. This fascinating gentleman is a very rare gem in the royal crown of humanity. We most humbly present  the CV of his eminence in a tabulated form:-

Name: Dr. sc. Nenad Javornik, MD, Ph. D
Born:  Zagreb, Croatia March 22, 1944

  • Graduated 1967 at the Medical School (Faculty) of the University of Zagreb. M.D.  degree in 1967.
  • Training for psychiatry and neurology, Zagreb University hospital 1974- 1978
  • Postgraduate study on social psychiatry 1978-1979; Neurology and psychiatry licence in 1977; Social psychiatry licence in 1978
  • M. A. degree in Medical sciences 1980;
  • Medical profession title: Primarius on the field of neurology and psychiatry: recognized in 1987
  • Ph. D. degree in 1988


Communicates in: Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Slovenian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Russian

Working posts in country and abroad:

• 1968. Internship in clinical hospital “University Clinical Centre”, Zagreb
• 1969. State exam for medical licence and 11 months of military service.
• 1970. to 1974. works as general practitioner and resident physician in hospitals in Croatia and Germany
• 1974. training for neurology and psychiatry in clinical hospital “Sisters of Charity”, Zagreb
• From 1978 he worked as a specialist for neurology and psychiatry in clinical hospital “Sisters of Charity” and later at the Students’ Clinic of the University of Zagreb as the head of specialist polyclinic consultation service;
• From 1980. Head of polyclinic services of the Students’ Clinic of the University of Zagreb;
• from 1985 to 1991 appointed for director of the Students’ Clinic of the University of Zagreb;
• 1987. invited by USIA and USA government as guest visitor to USA
• from 1985 to 1991 member of the Assembly of the University of Zagreb;
• from 1991 to 1994 member of the Governing Board of the Republic of Croatia Office for displaced and refugees
• from 1991 to 2014. Executive President of the Croatian Red Cross 
• from 1991 to 1995 member of the Commission for the prevention of drug abuse of the Ministry of Health of Croatia
• from 1991 to 1995 member of the Commission for the prevention of AIDS of the Croatian Ministry of Health;
• in 1993 he served as Director of the Special health care unit of the Croatian Ministry of Interior
• from 1995 to 1998 advisor to the Vice President of the Croatian Government on the humanitarian issue;
• from 1991 member of the Commission for exchange of the imprisoned POW and searching the missing persons;
• from 1993 to 2003 member of the Governing Board of the Croatian Transfusion Institute;
• from 1997 member of the Croatian Governmental Commission for war victims;
• from 1997 to 2016. member of the Board of Directors of the International Life Saving Federation for Europe;
• from 1997 to 2001 head representative of the delegation of International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) with observer status in the United Nations headquartered in Geneva
• From 2007 head representative of the delegation of IAEWP with observer status in the United Nations headquartered in Vienna
• from 1998 was the member of the task force on health care reform in Croatia
• from 1998 to 2006 was the member of the Scientific Board of the Croatian Mine Action Centre in charge to deactivates mine fields in Croatia
• from 2000 to 2003 member of the Government’s Board for blood transfusion services reform;
• from 1997 to 2014 President of the Croatian National Committee for International Humanitarian Law;
• from 2001 member of the National Commission for AIDS/HIV;
• from 2003 to 2007 member of the National Commission for the complaints on noncombatant service organization;
• from 2005 to 2016. member of Board for Awarding Decorations and Medals in the Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia
• from 2006 to 2014 member of Commanding HQ of the Governmental office for Protection and Rescue
• from 2007 elected for European representative in the Board of the International Live Saving World organization
• 2008 elected in Advisory Board of IAEWP (International Association of Educators for World Peace)
• 2008 appointed Secretary General of IAEWP (International Association of Educators for World Peace)
• 2009. Member of Croatian Governmental board for: ”Hyogo Framework for Action
2005-2015 with main task of Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disaster” 

 Activities linked to the Red Cross activities in the country and abroad:

• The member of the Red Cross Youth and RC field units from 1958 to 1969
• the member of the Governing Board and the Executive President of the Croatian Red Cross since 1991 to 2014.
• 2014 appointed President Emeritus of the Croatian Red Cross
• Established and organized the Croatian Red Cross as an independent National Society; organized Red Cross activities during the Homeland War in Croatia and makes changes necessary for the international recognition of the Croatian Red Cross that was finalized in 1993;
• from 1993 member of the Health and Community Services Commission of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Geneva;
• Vice President of the above mentioned Commission from 1997;
• from 1999 to 2001 chaired the meetings of the same Commission in charge for coordinating the health and community service Red Cross/Crescent policies in 183 member countries (at the time);
• actively participated as Head of the Croatian Red Cross delegation at all important Red Cross/Crescent assemblies, meetings and events from 1991 to 2014
• from 1991 to 1996 main Croatian Red Cross representatives for coordination of relief operation in Croatia supported by United Nations agencies, European Union humanitarian agencies, other international humanitarian organizations and the representatives from Red Cross National Societies who participated in the process and provided humanitarian relief for Croatia.
• From 2007 the member of the Board of the permanent Office of the Mediterranean Red Cross and Red Crescent in Barcelona, founded by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
• From 2008 chairmen and member of the Development Commission of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Geneva;


• May 1997 – Croatian state decoration - Order of Croatian Danica with figure of Katarina Zrinska
• May 2006 – Golden Medal of the Spanish Red Cross for the contribution to the Movement
• September 2007 – got IAEWP Award of peace (International Association of Educators for World Peace)
• March 2008 – awarded with Irish Water Safety – Golden medal
• October 2008 – Croatian state decoration – Order of Knez Branimir with collar
• March 2009 - Annual state award; Reward for rescue and civil protection development in Republic of Croatia.
• May 2016 - Awards of the International Life Saving Federation of Europe in recognition for contribution to the cause of the saving of lives in the aquatic environment – with the title of : Ambassador of the European Order of Lifesaving 


Published over 50 scientific papers and articles on the field of psychiatry and neurology, both in country and abroad. 

Active participation at numerous professional, medical and scientific congresses of psychiatry and neurology, held public lectures for citizens and students and participated in medical student education. 

Participated as co-author in preparing three textbooks of psychiatry with main authors: Prof. Dr. sc. Vladimir Hudolin, Prof. Dr. sc. Vasko Muačević, Prof. Dr. sc. Vlatko Thaller.

Chief Editor of official Gazette of National Society of Croatian Red Cross: “Croatian Red Cross news”. From 1993. to 2014. 

In his addressing public and media he promoted the activities and role of the Red Cross in country and abroad.

We are indeed very fortunate to have Nenad Javornik   to continuously serve in the capacity of  Secretary General of the IAEWP for many years to come.

We thank you for the opportunity to place this information on record; on behalf of the President and the Executive Office of the President of IAEWP.

Office of the Deputy Secretary General