Friday, February 24, 2017

Appointment of The National Chancellor of Mali

We would like to take this opportunity and introduce Prof. Amadou Tiéoulé DIARRA, a Professor of Law as the IAEWP National  Chancellor of  MALI, Western Africa.  

He is a fundamental human rights advocate with years of experience in the legal field. 

As follows are his decorated CV

Prof. Amadou Tiéoulé DIARRA, 
Professor of Law
National Chancellor of Mali,
Lawyer at the Bar
Cell. (223) 66-72- 37-10 &  (223) 77- 64-00- 78

Profession: Lawyer/ Lecturer at the Faculty of Law. 


 Specialized Postgraduate degree in teaching private Law Faculty of Law, Dakar 1987; 
 General Postgraduate degree in History of Public Institutions Faculty of Law Dakar 1986 ; 
 Dissertation : Supervisor Professor Bernard Durand former Dean of Montpellier I
Title: The obligations originated from the contracts concluded between French and Indigenous populations from 1830 to 1946 (AOF) 


 Professor of Law at the Saint-Michel College in Dakar from 1983-1989:
Director of Studies at the SENE Massen Primary School (Dakar) and the I.P.E.P (Private Institute for Vocational Education); 
 Assistant to the Faculty of Law of Dakar: 1987 to 1993; 
 Lawyer-Counsel at the Office of Lawyer Aïssata TALL SALL, Lawyer at the Bar of Senegal (1987-1993) (FILM BAMAKO); 
(Return from Dakar to Mali in 1993) 
 1993-1998 Professor of Law at E.N.A, Mali; 
 Since 1997 Professor of History of Institutions and History of Private Law at the Faculty of Law of Mali 
 Lawyer registered with the Bar of Mali in 1995; 
 Lawyer registered with the German Embassy in Mali;
  Facilitator in the 42 Circles of Mali of the CEPAG 1993-1998 (Unit of Improvement in Administration and Management); 
 1st Legal Secretary of the A.M.D.H (1998-2001) 
 Former Director-Founder of the Institute of Human Rights Training of the A.M.D.H. (1999-2001); 
 Consultant of the Union of Journalists of West Africa (U.J.A.O.) for the drafting of a framework law on the decriminalization of press offenses; 
 Provision to the National Institute of Judicial Training of Human Rights Lawyers December 2003 (Eco-social, Political and Civil Rights); 
 Trainer at the Training Center for Magistrates of Senegal on the basis of the publication of a manual on international mechanisms for the protection of human rights June 2003; 
 FAO Consultant: The Right to Adequate Food as a Human Right March 2003; 
 Consultant UNESCO: Press Law in Mali: Defamation Case December 2002; 
 WILDAF Consultant (For print and published works on women's rights in Mali) 2002; 
 Consultant for the Maison de la Presse on behalf of Canada: State of the Media in Mali from 1992-2002: publication in 2004.
Consultant for the Mission of Reflection on the State of Democracy in Mali in 2008. 
 UNESCO Consultant on 'Indicators of Media Development in Mali UNESCO / IPDC Sept-Oct. 2011. 
 Advocate who defended Human Rights Trials in Burkina Faso and Paris. 
 Advocate of peasants of the Office du Niger (volunteer). 
 Advocate of Tiécoura TRAORE C / TRANSRAIL (volunteer). 
 Advocate of the Social Struggles: Morila C / SOMADEX workers (criminal section); 
 Advocate of the Malian Association of Expellees (A.M.E). 
 Advocate of UACADDDD-Mali. 
 Country Director of the American Bar Association in Mali since January 2011. 


 Journalist training manual on legal and judicial news coverage for WAJA / ECOWAS (in preparation for May 2009); 
 Training Manual for the West African Journalist on Legal Terms and Procedures for WAJA / ECOWAS May 2009;
  Participant's notebook on Human Rights for Women commissioned by RECOFEM September 2008; 
 Participant in the FAO / FIAN Forum on the Right to Food in Rome September 2008; 
 Participant in the International Symposium on the Middle East organized by the A.I.J.D- Paris August 2006; 
 Lecturer on Agricultural Policies of Mali in Paris December 2006; 
 Lecturer on the case of the "5 Cubans of Miami" Paris (SENAT-Salle Médicis) 19 April 2008; 
 Speaker of the Coordination for the Africa of Tomorrow (CADE): Valframbert, ENA, Grand-Orient, Montreuil May 2008;
 Consultant for the Mission of Reflection on the State of Democracy in Mali in 2008. 
 Participant at the 16th Congress of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (A.I.J.D) Paris June 2005;
  Lecturer at the International Research Institute of AMSTERDAM on the cancellation of the debt of the Third World (October 2004); 
 2 stays in the Netherlands (University Office) 2000-2001. 
 Participant at the 35th session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights in Banjul May-June 2004; 
 Lecturer at the CAD-MALI Peoples Forum (KITA, FANA, SIKASSO); 
 Forum speaker for another Mali (FORAM) 1st Ceita and Melilla 2007 Anniversary; 
 Speaker of the Forum of Civil Society Organizations on Institutional Reforms April 2011; 
 Participant in the World Conference against Racism held in DURBAN (South Africa) from 31 August to 07 September 2001; 
 Participant at the 13th Workshop of the ICI and CADHP Kigali October-November 1999; 
 Participant in the International Symposium on Migration in Africa (OSIWA) Abuja- Nigeria March 2009. 
 Participant in the International Symposium on "Corruption in Africa" 'Abuja-June 2009. 
 Several Televised Conferences and Debates on Human Rights in Mali.


 President of the League for Justice, Development and Human Rights (L.J.D.H) since December 2004; 
 Member of the National Office of the A.M.D.H. 
At the end of the 3rd Ordinary Congress in March 1998 and having held the position of 1st Secretary of Legal and Judicial Affairs; 
 Activist of the A.M.D.H. in 1993
Secretary General of SOMASE (Senegalese solidarity in Senegal) 1988-1993 (Group of intellectuals exiled in Senegal under the dictatorship); 
 Secretary General of the A.S.M.D (Association of Malian Schools in Senegal) 1980- 1981 and 1981-1983; 
 Former member participating in several reviews and clandestine Communist cells in Senegal. 
 Former Chairman of the Legal Council of the Coalition for the Cancellation of Debt and Development (CAD-MALI) 2005-2010. 
 Member of the Société d'Etudes robes pierristes / France. PUBLICATIONS Especially: 
 The legal and human dimensions of administrative action 1993-1994; 
 '' The guarantees of fundamental rights in the domestic legal order '' 2000; 
 '' The guarantees of fundamental rights in the international order '' 2001. 
 The applicability of international treaties in Mali in 1996; 
 For a society without violence against women 2002 (WILDAF); 
 Effectiveness of women's rights in the Republic of Mali 2002 (WILDAF); 
 Women's Rights in Mali 2007 (WILDAF); 
 Agricultural Guidance Act (L.O.A) A law of agrarian and fiscal reforms 2006-2007 (INTER de BKO); 
 The two tracks of agricultural development in Mali-A new stage in agriculture in March 2008; 
 Advocacy for the abolition of the death penalty in the Republic of Mali: Conference and debate-televised in August 2008; 
 Participant's Workbook on Women's Rights for RECOFEM from 25-29 August 2008
 Resource person for the adoption of the Proposed Draft Code of Persons and Family of Mali 2009. 
 Sub-regional Conference (Mauritania-Niger-Mali) on the practice of slavery June 2013- Hotel Colibris. 
 National Expert of Mali: National Symposium on the Transitional Justice of Bamako from 17 to 19 June 2013 at the C.I.C.B. MAJOR FACTS: 
 Established the '' Prize for the Right to be tried within a Reasonable Period '' (2 editions 2007-2008) 
 Winner of the 'Aoua KEÏTA' Prize for the Defense of Women's Rights - 2012; 
 Certificate of Recognition of the Embassy of Senegal for the Defense of Senegalese immigrants in Mali from 04/04/2013; 
 Senior Researcher-Family Law / ODHP and IDDH-2010-2014. 


 November 1997: Awareness workshop on Women's Rights at the Jean Bosco Center in Sévaré; 
 November 1998: Awareness workshop on women's rights at the Gabriel CISSE Center in Ségou; 
 December 1998: Awareness-raising workshop on the Rights of Women at the Jean Bosco Center of SIKASSO; 
 In 1999: Awareness-raising workshop on the Preliminary Draft of the Additional Protocol to the Rights of Women at the Palais des Congrès; 
 November 2000: Extension of the Rights of Women Awareness of the importance of Civil Marriage: 
 The Problem of Religious Marriage. Successions: Tradition or Modernism? Trainer's Guide to Koulikoro; 
 15 July 2001: Women and Family Responsibilities '' in Islam ''; 
 09 September 2002: Training Module on Violence against Women;
2004: Advocacy for the Effectiveness of Women's Rights in Mali; 
 24 and 25 February 2004: Promoting Women in Political Parties: Challenges and Suggestions; 
 10 June 2006: The Role and Place of Women in the Breasts of Political Parties; 
 09 September 2006: Advocacy for a Society without Violence against Women; 
 22 September 2006: Woman and Electoral Process; 
 November 2007: The Law of Agricultural Guidance: A Statutory Revolution for the Malian Peasant Woman; 
 From 25 to 29 August 2008: RECOFEM, Women's Rights; 
 28 September 2008: Women’s Rights in the Organization of the State and in the Light of the Malian Positive Law; 
 From 09 to 11 October 2008: Training focused on CEDAW and the Maputo Protocol on the Judiciary (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against
 11 May 2009: The Preliminary Draft Code of Persons and Family Persons; 
 14 May 2009: The Organization of the Family in the Preliminary Draft of the Code of Persons and the Family; 
 11 May 2009: Advocacy for the Adoption of the Preliminary Draft of the Code of Persons and the Family; 
 07 October 2009: A Look at Women's Rights in Mali as Specific Rights; 
 09 April 2010: Some Innovations of the Code of Persons and the Voted Family; 
 29 October 2010: Vulnerability Factors for Disabled Children, Women and Persons and their socio-economic and cultural reintegration in the UEMOA region; 
 18 December 2010: Some highlights of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families; 
 23 December 2010: The Organization of the Family in the Code of Persons and the Family voted
23 December 2010: Advocacy for the Adoption of the Code of Persons and the Family (Family Reform or Family Law Reform?); 
 18-19 October 2011 at the FSJP: National Symposium on the Rights of Persons and the Family in Mali: History, Evolution, Perspectives; 
 29 October 2011 at the FSJP: What legal remedies for the vulnerability of children, women and people with disabilities in the UEMOA area? 
 04 June 2012: Proposal of the Alliance of Women of Mali for a better management of the transitional period; 
 06 June 2012: Moderator "Validation Workshop on the Study on the Issue of Divorce in Mali"; 
 28 June 2012: Workshop on Capacity Building for Security Agents, Health, Judicial Officers, Magistrates and Prison Guards on Gender-based Violence (ADPF-UN- WOMEN);
Senior Researcher on the Law of Divorce in West Africa (IDDH-IDHP-ODHP); 
 The Judicial Practice of Divorce in Mali: Analysis of the causes of the rupture of the matrimonial bond (to be published), 


French: very good 
English: fairly good 
Bamanan: Very good

We would like to thank Dr. Ayo Ayoola Amale, the IAEWP Vice President for West Africa for the identification and appointment of this high caliber professional into IAEWP as we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of IAEWP in 1967 at Huntsville, Alabama, USA.

Thank you for the opportunity to put this information on record.

Steve Varatharajan
Deputy Secretary General
IAEWP ( NGO ECOSOC - United Nations )