Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Is Peace or War Consciousness a MAJOR part of subconscious programming?

I read this article from www.fastereft.com on self healing and find it interesting as the understanding of subconscious programming applies with remarkable accuracy in driving individuals to the extremes on the spectrum of bipolarity: war and peace.

What is Subconscious Programming?

What did you do when you woke up this morning? What was your first thought? How did you feel? Were you reluctant to get up, wishing you’d got to bed earlier and had more sleep? Or were you wide awake, refreshed, and excited to start the day? What did you have for breakfast? Did you have breakfast? Coffee or tea? Did you switch on the news, or meditate? What did you choose to wear? How did you brush your teeth? What cosmetics did you use? How did you get to work? It may feel like you made each of those decisions yourself; but the truth is, we are functioning primarily unconsciously. Every conscious decision and action is the result of unconscious conditioning and subconscious programming.
The things you like and dislike; your pet peeves; your preferences are all determined by what is held in your subconscious. While they may appear to be your conscious choice, they are far from it.

How Does Subconscious Programming Work?

Each person’s subconscious programming is unique; and this is what makes each individual’s experience of the world unique. Think of an Excel spreadsheet. If you input certain formulas, when data is entered into the spreadsheet, the program will produce results and calculations based on those formulas. The spreadsheet has been programmed to produce results based on those calculations; and as long as those formulas remain in place, it will continue to do so. If you want different results, you need to change the formulas. Simply typing in the results you want, without changing the formulas won’t work.
It is the same with the mind. The results each person is experiencing (particularly their perception of the world) are based on the “calculations” their subconscious has been programmed to perform. And those calculations are based on the data that was originally inserted into the “spreadsheet”.
For example:
A concert is cancelled because the artist has refused to go on due to an argument with his manager. If you were to take a selection of audience members and interview them, you would find that not every person reacts in the same way. Some will feel angry and blame the artist for being unprofessional; some will feel angry and blame the manager for annoying the artist; some will feel frustrated and be focused on the fact that they’ve wasted their time arranging to be there; some will feel frustration and be focused on the loss of the good time they were planning to have; some will feel sad and cry; others will brush off the incident and focus on what they’re going to do instead of attending the concert; some will feel self-righteous and say they knew this was a bad idea – they never liked this artist anyway… and the possibilities are infinite.
Why do people react so differently to the same event? Because they’re each looking at it through different filters – through different programming. Those who are angry with the artist will have references that support that reaction – there will be something in their past (that most likely will have nothing to do with performers, but will somehow feel the same) that has provided “proof” of what they are now seeing in this situation. To those people, it is quite obvious that the artist is to blame, and should be putting his fans first. Those who blame the agent will, in the same way, have had experiences in their past that the subconscious has interpreted to provide “evidence” that their current perspective is the only obvious one. To them, there is no doubt that the whole thing is the agent’s fault.
The fans who are sad will be carrying subconscious references that this kind of situation is sad; those who move on quickly will be carrying references that when something happens beyond their control, it is best to minimize the effects and move forward. In the majority of cases, each individual will assume the rest of the world is seeing the event from the same perspective. However, the formulas in each person’s spreadsheet are different – which means the calculations are different – which produces different results.

How is the Subconscious Programmed?

We are designed to be programmed automatically through life experience. From the moment we’re born, we are experiencing life; and each moment of that experience is interpreted, given meaning, and recorded for future reference. As a baby experiences the world and the people around him, his subconscious determines who he is, and how the world works – and it files this information. Each new experience is then filtered through the data of previous experiences. This is how we learn to operate and survive in our environment. This is how the formulas are entered automatically into our “spreadsheets”.

Reprogramming the Subconscious

Although the original programming happens automatically and without our conscious knowledge, we have the ability to change it. We have the ability to make the conscious decision to work with the subconscious to change the formulas – which will result in different calculations, and different results. Just as a computer can be reprogrammed by someone who knows what they’re doing; the records we hold in our subconscious can be reprogrammed, by the expert – the subconscious mind. FasterEFT allows us to work directly with the subconscious to make the changes to the original programming, quickly and effectively. And this will result in automatic changes.

Credit: http://fastereft.com/lesson/what-is-subsonic/